Los Angeles, CA December 14, 2016 Jennifer Lawrence (Aurora) and Chris Pratt (Jim) star in an exciting action-thriller about two strangers who are on a 120-year journey to another planet when their hibernation pods wake them 90 years too early. Jim and Aurora are forced to unravel the mystery behind the malfunction as the…
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December 2016 – Hollywood, CA From Bader Studio Hollywood: From Lucasfilm comes the first of the Star Wars standalone films, “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,” an all-new epic adventure. In a time of conflict, a group of unlikely heroes band together on a mission to steal the plans to the Death Star, the…
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Grateful Dead legend Bob Weir performed at star-studded gala hosted by Padma Lakshmi and attended by Goodwill Ambassadors Connie Britton, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Haakon of Norway and Michelle Yeoh Monday, December 5, 2016 – New York City: The United Nations Development Programme celebrated 50 years at the frontline of development and its…
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[videojs mp4=”http://baderblog.s3.amazonaws.com/stories/Rosies%20kids%20nov%202016/Rosie’s%20Kids%20Bader%20Blog.mp4″ poster=”http://baderblog.s3.amazonaws.com/stories/Rosies%20kids%20nov%202016/Rosie’s%20Kids%20Bader%20Blog.png” width=”500″ height=”281″ id=”Rkidsdec72016″ preload=”true”] November 2016: New York City At the Rosie’s Theater Kids 13th Annual Gala Celebration in New York City’s legendary Theatre District, Broadway’s best and brightest came together to pay homage to Cuban American pop music icon Gloria Estefan. Estefan, whose life is portrayed in the Broadway…
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[videojs mp4=”http://baderblog.s3.amazonaws.com/stories/Trump%20Protests%20Bader%20blog/trump%20bader%20blog%20protests.mp4″ poster=”http://baderblog.s3.amazonaws.com/stories/Trump%20Protests%20Bader%20blog/trump%20bader%20blog%20protests.png” width=”500″ height=”281″ id=”nov112016″ preload=”true”] November 10, 2016, New York NY: Amid placards, banners, and hand-held signs proclaiming “Love Trumps Hate,” “Build Bridges Not Walls,” and “Not My President” among more volatile messages, an estimated 40,000 demonstrators marched up Fifth Avenue Wednesday night to vehemently voice their displeasure of President Elect Donald…
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[videojs mp4=”http://baderblog.s3.amazonaws.com/stories/Brad%20Pitt%20allied%20premeiere/Bader%20Hollywood%20Version%20Brad%20pitt%20Allied.mp4″ poster=”http://baderblog.s3.amazonaws.com/stories/Brad%20Pitt%20allied%20premeiere/Bader%20Hollywood%20Version%20Brad%20pitt%20Allied.png” width=”500″ height=”281″ preload=”true”] Los Angeles, CA – November 2016: Huahua Media and Paramount Pictures are “allies” once again. China’s Huahua Media and Paramount Pictures are working together to market a new Paramount film starring Brad Pitt and Marion Cotillard entitled Allied. Huahua and Paramount teamed for the highly successful films Star…
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November 2016, New York City: Boo! [videojs mp4=”http://baderblog.s3.amazonaws.com/stories/Halloween%20Bader%20Blog/Bader%20Halloween%20Parade%202016.mp4″ poster=”http://baderblog.s3.amazonaws.com/stories/Halloween%20Bader%20Blog/Bader%20Halloween%20Parade%202016.png” width=”500″ height=”281″ id=”Nov 4 2016 halloween bader” preload=”true”] Ghouls, ghosts, goblins, witches, and superheroes, among other surrealistic characters, marched up Sixth Avenue in the 43rd annual Village Halloween Parade in New York City as tens of thousands of spectators cheered (and jeered) them on. This…
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[videojs mp4=”http://badersports.s3.amazonaws.com/Derek%20Jeter%20Turn%202%20Foundation/2016%20Turn%202%20Foundation%20Dinner/20thanniversaryturn2_blogger.mp4″ poster=”http://badersports.s3.amazonaws.com/Derek%20Jeter%20Turn%202%20Foundation/2016%20Turn%202%20Foundation%20Dinner/20thanniversaryturn2_blogger.jpg” width=”500″ height=”281″ id=”KENZO-HM-1016″ preload=”true”] October 2016: New York City: Derek Jeter and an “all star” cast of athletes, celebrities, and supporters came together to support the baseball icon’s Turn 2 Foundation in New York City on its historic 20th Anniversary.. The former New York Yankees captain and All-Star shortstop hosted the…
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[videojs mp4=”http://baderfashion.s3.amazonaws.com/h%26m/KENZOxHM-BaderStudiosNYC/KENZOxHM-BaderStudiosNYC-iPhone.mp4″ poster=”http://baderfashion.s3.amazonaws.com/h%26m/KENZOxHM-BaderStudiosNYC/KENZOxHM-BaderStudiosNYC-poster.jpg” width=”500″ height=”281″ id=”KENZO-HM-1016″ preload=”true”] October 2016: New York, NY: In spectacular displays of color and light, the celebrated KENZO x H&M collaboration was officially launched in New York City. Directed by fashion legend Jean Paul Goude, the KENZO x H&M bash was presented at Pier 36 with a joyous dance party…
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October 2016 – New York City: A “Tiger” was on the prowl at the New York Public Library on a warm Thursday evening. [videojs mp4=”http://baderblog.s3.amazonaws.com/stories/Tiger%20Woods%20Foundation%20October%202016/Bader%20Blog/wordpress/TW%20Foundation%20Bader%20Blog.mp4″ poster=”http://baderblog.s3.amazonaws.com/stories/Tiger%20Woods%20Foundation%20October%202016/Bader%20Blog/wordpress/TW%20Foundation%20Bader%20Blog.png” width=”500″ height=”281″ id=”O212016TWoods” preload=”true”] Iconic golfer Tiger Woods celebrated the 20th Anniversary of the Tiger Woods Foundation which empowers youth through education, health and welfare . Founded in…
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