Stacey Tisdale reports more than 200 supporters gathered at the Neue Galerie in Manhattan to empower everyone to sign up to demonstrate their support for important women & children’s issues
January 2017 – Bader TV News NYC – The 5th Annual March will be held to Empower Women and to End Violence Against Women and Girls. UNWFPA is calling on everyone to participate in the annual march, which will start at 12 Noon (ET) on Sunday, March 12 at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza in New York City.
Thousands are expected will gather to hear speeches and walk half a dozen blocks to bring attention to the pandemic of violence against women. President of the General Assembly, Peter Thomson, and his wife, Marijcke Thomson, have committed to being the Marches’ Grand Marshals.
UNWFPA stands to End Violence Against Women, stating that women’s rights are human rights.
UN Women for Peace Association seeks to promote and advance the goals of UN agencies that provide opportunities for women through social, cultural, educational and empowerment programs under the banner of a global peace building process.
All of the proceeds go directly to the UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women, which aims to prevent violence against women and girls, provides services and programs to those affected by violence, and strengthens the implementation of laws and policies to stop such violence.
Keep up to the date with the march details by following #iwalk4women and to log onto: